

Timely provision of technical documentation for the construction of facilities and the implementation of architectural supervision of the construction of facilities



  • Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Region, Chirchik City, Tashkent St.4.
  • +99870-715-27-67
  • office@himproekt.uz

Society development strategy

Society development strategy

The main strategy of the Company's development is "Development - through quality". It includes the following principles:

- all attention is paid to the customer and the consumer. It is necessary to understand their present and future needs, meet their needs and strive to exceed their expectations, taking into account the investment opportunities they have with an increase in the pace and quality of project implementation;
- professionalism and business reputation - experience and qualifications of specialists, reliability of data, customer reviews;
transparency and openness - teamwork based on trust and cooperation. Encouraging a sense of personal responsibility for the assigned task. Creating relationships in production units based on mutual assistance and revenue;
- special attention is paid to the staff. Creation of conditions for self-improvement and training for each employee, satisfaction of spiritual and material needs;
- use and development of information technologies, advanced design technologies, integration of business process automation tools to ensure the collaboration of information service employees;
- fair remuneration of staff for high-quality and efficient work. The interests of one employee should not prevail over the interests of the organization;
- social support of the organization's employees;
- honesty in the struggle in the market of project services.

For the development of the Society, the specified strategy will be adopted, which will ensure:

1. Identification of priorities for making investment decisions;

2. Shortening the decision-making time;

3. Forming the basis for improving business processes;

4. Creating the basis for building an effective management structure;

5. Providing a basis for employee motivation, the Company will become more attractive to employees, its competitiveness in the labor market will increase.

6. Increasing the attractiveness of the Company for partners, strengthening its competitive position in the industry. In this connection , it is assumed:

I. In the field of organizational and technical measures:

1. Improving the organization of research and design work at a qualitatively new level:

- development of cooperation with foreign research institutions and engineering technology companies in the direction of studying the best practices of using modern technologies in the field of research, the possibility of organizing joint research and design and survey work and the introduction of international standards in the practice of design.

- implementation of a system of integrated scientific and technological design of facilities;

- introduction of modern automated design systems and information and communication technologies;

- strengthening the link between science and production by organizing close cooperation in the direction of identifying bottlenecks, improving technological processes and improving the practical skills of the Company's employees.

2. Strengthening the human resources potential of the Company:

- organization of internships and advanced training courses for the Company's employees, including with the involvement of specialized organizations;

- organization of systematic work on the selection of gifted students and undergraduates of higher educational institutions with the creation of an appropriate database and attracting graduates to Society to continue their work;

- instilling high-tech design skills.

3. Improving the release of project documentation in accordance
with international standards:

- large-scale implementation of a complex of 3D digital modeling with training of personnel on its use;

- development and approval of the 3D modeling procedure;

- creation of a group of BIM managers;

- introduction of new innovative technologies in modern projects of the chemical industry.

4. Improving research processes:

- restoration of the laboratory of physico-chemical research, organization of fundamentally new research methods using modern equipment and high-tech systems;

- conducting high-quality physico-chemical research with the development of new types of chemical reagents, catalysts and technologies.

5. Improvement of the Company's inventive activity:

- elaboration of the directions of research and design work in terms of inventions and their filing for a patent;

6. Introduction of a system of calendar planning, control, monitoring and evaluation of the progress of work in the process of development of design and survey documentation:

- development and approval of the procedure for calendar planning and evaluation of the progress of design and survey work;

 - conducting staff training  Companies on the principles of planning and drawing up calendar plans by involving a specialized organization.

7. Introduction into the process of development of design and survey documentation of the system of weekly reporting and determining the progress of work on concluded contracts based on international standards of process management:

- development and approval of reporting procedures;

- conducting training of the Company's personnel on reporting systems and determining progress on concluded contracts based on international experience.

8. Improvement of the design and estimate documentation development system by implementing internal procedures corresponding to the level of international best practices:

- development and approval of procedures: "Procedure of symbols for drawing up the principle-technological schemes of design objects", "Procedure of numbering of technical places";

9. Study of international experience in document development at different stages of the project and step-by-step implementation of the "Full Cycle Engineering" documentation development methodology into the project documentation development system:

- implementation into practice of development of project documentation in the following stages of design: Conceptual engineering, Basic engineering, Advanced package of basic engineering, Detailed design, Executive documentation.

10. Implementation of services for the design of the upper level of the automated control system and digitalization of chemical industries.

11. Reconstruction of the building and premises for the restoration of the laboratory and placement of modern equipment for the development of research activities of the Company.

12. Carrying out repair work in the project building of the Company's building to create favorable conditions for the work of the Company's employees.

II. In the field of methodological development:

1. Improvement of information processing methods:

- introduction of digital information processing systems, methods of interpretation of seismic and geophysical data;

- organization of training courses for specialists in purchased software products.

2. Improving the efficiency and quality of products by introducing modern and licensed software:

- purchase of a set of licensed software products;

- training of employees at the level of professional users to solve complex problems during technological calculations.

3. Development of the electronic project document management system:

- implementation of procedures: Numbering procedure of design and technical documentation, Project document flow. Project correspondence and information management.

III. In the field of the introduction of new activities:

1. Conducting scientific research in the restored laboratory in promising areas of the chemical industry.

2. Instrumental diagnostics of technological systems in the chemical industry.

3. Development of design documentation and localization of production.

4. Project management based on the conclusion of risk-service contracts.

5. Development and implementation of intelligent process control systems (SCADA), including digitalization of industrial enterprises.

6. Preparation of projects aimed at the development of the chemical industry.

7. Transition to a new level of design with the provision of comprehensive engineering services.